You heard it here first.
Dice Tower Paint Workshop July 12 6-9 pm
Come and paint a fantasy dice tower 3D printed by Twyin Games.

Another fun and friendly workshop hosted by Dragons in Dungeons at Under the Mountain Games is upon us. For this workshop, your $45 fee lands you admission and your own fantasy dice tower.
Tuesday Open Mini Paint Night at Under the Mountain Games
Paint. Minis. Friends. Stories. It has it all.

Come join fellow paint enthusiasts and beginners at the open mini paint night. Carve out time for painting. Exchange ideas. Bring a character to life.
Mini Paint Workshop at Under the Mountaint Games
We are back at the table with paints and brushes for another Tuesday workshop this July 2 from 6-9.

For the basic workshop fee of $20, you will receive a mini from the Kobold's Workshop chosen hero set, an introductory paint kit, and coaching from the host. Alternatively, for $55, you can purchase and paint a Twyin Game dice tower along with coaching..