Dragons in Dungeons


You heard it here first.

Undead as a Death Lock

Its origins, its horror, and its purpose

An entire campaign can centre on a journey to discove the full nature of this phenomenon, called the undead. Characters can experience the growing horror as they chase down the origin and purposes of this undeath. At the climax, they can come to see this dark prison in a new light.

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Beat the Bane with Battlehammer and Bravery

The Saturday Bane game needs a player to give dwarven fighter life

Join the game as Stakud Silverpick, a stout dwarven soldier and clanmember along with fellow envoys on quest to prevent the Bane. The game runs every Saturday 1-4 pm at the D6 Tabletop Cafe.

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D&D Game: Bane [03] - 2 seats available

Dragons in Dungeons has launched its latest hombrew campaign with 2 seats needed to fill for Saturdays.

The game in the mystical land of Xunder Olara has begun. To make the adventure complete, the group needs two more players to pick up the two pre-gen startup characters, an elven wizard and a dwarven fighter.

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About Us

The Dragons in Dungeon group strives so hard to deliver inclusive, interactive, imaginative and immersive D&D games for more people to enjoy. We offer

  • campaigns
  • adventures
  • one-shots

We play online and at local game lounges.

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