Dragons in Dungeons

D&D Family Adventure

The Hamptons are here for Seeing in the Dark

D&D makes for a fantastic family adventure. Here is a shout out to the Hampton family, Derrick, Lyndsey, Oliver, and Presley, who are true players and good people. They bring camraderie, curiousity, joy, and laughter to the table. 

Their characters, Hariam, Darian, Felicity, and Ronaldo, have set off to rescue prisoners taken from their village taken by goblins. They have managed to make friends with flumphs, beat the chief hobgoblin at three dragon ante, defeat the self-proclaimed king bugbear, stay alive, and make off with magic items. Still, they must free the prisoners. More importantly, they must do so carefully as there is a lurking presence in their minds of some master of the lair.

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Last updated months ago

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The Dragons in Dungeon group strives so hard to deliver inclusive, interactive, imaginative and immersive D&D games for more people to enjoy. We offer

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