Dragons in Dungeons

D&D Game: Bane [03] - 2 seats available

Dragons in Dungeons has launched its latest hombrew campaign with 2 seats needed to fill for Saturdays.

You are invited to join as heroes in the mythical land of Xunder Olara where elves, dwarves, and dragons converge to fight off the evil and doom that has emerged.

Starting July 20, Dragons in Dungeons will be hosting a weekly D&D Game Bane on Saturdays from 1-4 pm at the D6 Tabletop Cafe (directions). The game currently has two seats available. The pre-gen character startups include an elven wizard and a dwarf fighter.

Of note, there is a $5 fee for each session due after the session is completed.

Email Game Master Carey with any questions. Sign up online.

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The Dragons in Dungeon group strives so hard to deliver inclusive, interactive, imaginative and immersive D&D games for more people to enjoy. We offer

  • campaigns
  • adventures
  • one-shots

We play online and at local game lounges.

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