Dragons in Dungeons

Aardcon Game Event Registration Open

Registration for game events at this year's Aardcon 2024 has opened up on eventbrite.ca

The moment you all have been waiting for has arrived. Dig into your sock drawer for that gaming money you have been hoarding.

For the Aardcon, game events are now available for sign up on eventbrite.ca (https://www.eventbrite.ca/o/aardcon-83320165853). $10 ticket. Register now before the games fill up.

Games included are:



Come discuss the game and meet fellow group members on our various channels:

Discord is where the exchange before and after the game occurs.

Go Discord

About Us

The Dragons in Dungeon group strives so hard to deliver inclusive, interactive, imaginative and immersive D&D games for more people to enjoy. We offer

  • campaigns
  • adventures
  • one-shots

We play online and at local game lounges.

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