Dragons in Dungeons


The following list contains campaigns and adventures ready for game play.

Dragon of Icespire Peak

The first adventure from the Essentials Kit.

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Orcs are smelly, hateful creatures who would like to hurt you, maim you, and possibly eat you.

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Orc Wars

Orc Wars is the campaign in which the Orc Wars ravage the land and settlements of Sunderland.

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Siege of WestCott

The second adventure in the Orc Wars series. The city of Westcott has been taken under siege by the orc horde and its allies.

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Phandelver Beyond

Would-be adventurers take the first steps into becoming an adventuring party in the town of Phandelver. This campaign is the Essentials Kit from Wizards of the Coast.

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The following is a list of our current pre-generated characters.

Brod OakendoorDwarfCleric
Phus TieflingWizard
Draegar MountainhandHumanBarbarian
Sylvia HalfheartElfDruid
Bilden GrundensmiteDwarfPaladin
Domingus HonorborneDragonbornPaladin
Halia SilhenastinaElfCleric
Nodin KlimenstaHumanDruid
Yapst TieflingCleric
Hileffafrim BinkHalf-ElfMonk

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The Dragons in Dungeon group strives so hard to deliver inclusive, interactive, imaginative and immersive D&D games for more people to enjoy. We offer

  • campaigns
  • adventures
  • one-shots

We play online and at local game lounges.

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